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Add properties to an entity

Properties are the characteristics of your entities. For example, a Product can have properties like name, description, price...


You can add the properties to your entities in the backend.yml file

name: Blog about cats
📝 Post:
- name # Short syntax for string type.
- { name: content, type: text } # Property type specified.
- { name: publishedAt, type: date }
- { name: authorEmail, type: email, hidden: true } # Extra options.

Property params

You can pass arguments using the long syntax:

type"string"PropTypeThe Property type (text, number, email, location...)
hiddenfalsebooleanIf the property should be hidden in the API response
options-ObjectSpecific options depending on property type
validation-ObjectThe property validators that each request compares against

Property types

Manifest vision of property types goes beyond software development typing and is already built-in for real world usages. For example, the Money PropType is handier than Number for managing amounts as it comes with a currency options and only allows 2 digits after coma.

Each PropType comes with a built-in type validation.

Some of them have specific options. Here is a list of the available types


A simple string.

- { name: firstName, type: string }

# Short syntax, same as above.
- firstName


Textarea field for medium-size texts.

- { name: description, type: text }

Rich text

Rich text field for HTML content. The admin panel input can generate basic HTML tags like bold, italic, headings, links and bullet lists.

- { name: description, type: richText }


A numerical value.

- { name: age, type: number }

An URL that links to an external page.

- { name: website, type: link }


A money field with a currency. Money properties can have up to 2 digits after coma.

- { name: price, type: money, options: { currency: 'EUR' } }
currencyUSDstringISO 4217 currency code


Basic date field.

- { name: startDate, type: date }


Timestamp field.

- { name: acquiredAt, type: timestamp }


- { name: email, type: email }


For any field with a "true or false" value.

- { name: isActive, type: boolean }


A file upload. Read more in the file upload doc.

- { name: document, type: file }


An image upload. The different sizes should be provided to generate several sizes of it. Read more in the image upload doc.

- {
name: photo,
type: image,
{ sizes: { small: { height: 90, width: 90 }, large: { width: 200 } } }
sizesthumbnail (80x80) medium (160x160)ImageSizesObjectAn object with each key being the name of each size and with width, height and fit optional props. The fit options works as in Sharp


Password field. Most of the time you do not need to implement passwords manually as authenticable entities have built-in email and password fields to log in.

- { name: password, type: password }

When setting the type as password, Manifest hashes automatically the value before storing it. Passwords should never be stored as clear text.


A given choice of options.

- { name: sex, type: choice, options: { values: [male, female] } }

# Sequential if the values are ordered in a logical sense..
- {
name: status,
type: choice,
options: { values: [draft, submitted, published], sequential: true }
values(empty)String[]An array of strings representing the available choices
sequentialfalsebooleanSpecifies if the values are ordered in a logical sense


The location type consists in a object with lat and lng coordinates.

- { name: location, type: location }