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Deploy Manifest on


This guide does not ensure persistent data for the database and the storage.

Render is a popular cloud provider that enables developers to ship apps without hassle.

Create a "start" script for production

The npm run manifest script should only be used for development as it watches file changes.

Go back to your codebase and open the package.json file and add a new start script on the scripts list with the value node node_modules/manifest/dist/manifest/src/main.js as following:

"scripts": {
"start": "node node_modules/manifest/dist/manifest/src/main.js"

Create an account on or sign in to your existing one.

From the dashboard, click on "Create a new web service" to get started.

In our example, we are deploying a backend on a GitHub repository, but you can also deploy from GitLab or BitBucket.

Choose the correct repository and click on "Connect" to continue.

Configure your app

The following screen will display a form with some fields that you have to configure:

  • Region (optional): Choose the closest region to your users
  • Build command: Enter npm install
  • Start command: The value should be node node_modules/manifest/dist/manifest/src/main.js
  • Environment variables: Add the 2 environment variables: TOKEN_SECRET_KEY (which you can generate at and NODE_ENV=production.

Click on "Deploy web service" to launch the deployment.

🎉 That's it! Your app should be available in a few minutes at the domain ending in


If you want to activate health checks, go to the "Health Checks" section and replace /healthz with /api/health