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File and Image upload

Manifest comes with a built-in local storage for uploaded assets. File upload lets you update pretty much anything whereas image upload comes with a simple resize system.

A public/storage folder is automatically created when needed. Uploaded files and images will be renamed with a unique name and stored in a specific folder based on entity and property name, ending by a folder with the current month name to prevent having to many files in a single folder.

Example: public/storage/project/contract/Nov24/8dab3936m1p54a66-contract.pdf


If you want to set this file as an item's property, you need to upload the file first and then add the new uploaded file path as the property value creating or updating a record.

Add a BASE_URL variable

Manifest stores absolute paths for convenience.

By default the base url is set to http://localhost:${port} but you can change it using the BASE_URL environment variable in your .env file to adapt to your own base URL.

Example: BASE_URL=


Changing the BASE_URL will not change the path of images and files that are already stored but it will impact the new ones.

Upload a file

A file should be related to an property with the file property type.

// Create a Blob, adapt this step to your use case.
const file = new Blob(['Hello, this is a test file!'], {
type: 'text/plain',

// Upload a file that will be used as a contract for an invoice.
const file = await manifest.from('invoices').upload('contract', file)

// Output: {"path":"http://localhost:1111/invoices/contract/Oct2024/8dabo9qm1q3swvu-my-contract.pdf"}

// Then you can store the path in the database.
const invoice = await manifest.from('invoices').create({
name: 'Invoice ACME',
contract: file.path

Upload an image

An image should be related to a property with the image property type. Manifest accepts PNG and JPG images only.

Each image uploaded will be optimized and resized into several sizes based on the property parameters. By default it generates a -thumbnail- of 80x80 and a medium of 160x160

// Create a Blob from an image, adapt this step to your use case.
const base64Image =
const imageBlob: Blob = base64ToBlob(base64Image, 'image/png')

// Upload the image.
const image = await manifest.from('cats').uploadImage('avatar', imageBlob)

// Output: {
// "medium": "http://localhost:1111/cats/avatar/Oct2024/8dabo9qm1q4n1nk-medium.jpg",
// "thumbnail": "http://localhost:1111/cats/avatar/Oct2024/8dabo9qm1q4n1nk-thumbnail.jpg"
// }

// Then you can store the path in the database.
const cat = await manifest.from('invoices').create({
name: 'Felix',
image: image